Edit a command:编辑命令
This command is executed: 这条命令执行
When i say: 当我说
When i press keys: 当我按下键盘
When i press button: 当我按下按钮
When i press mouse: 当我按下鼠标
Key press: 键盘 up: 上
Mouse: 鼠标 down: 下
Pause: 暂停 edit: 编辑
Other: 其他 delete: 删除
Recorder: 录制
Description: 描述
category: 分类
Allow other commands to be executed while this one is running:
Minimum confidence level: 最小确认级别
Send this command to: 发送命令到
Active windows: window系统下运行
Stop command if target windows focus is close: 当目标窗口关闭,停止命令
Resume command if focus is regained: 当目标开启恢复命令
Command type: 命令种类
Full command: 完整命令
Command prefix: 命令前缀
Command suffix: 命令后缀
Prefix/suffix group: 前/后缀分组
Repeating : 重复
This command executes once : 命令执行1次
This command repeats continuously: 命令重复不断
This command repeats _______times: 命令重复次数
Edit a keypress:编辑键盘
Press a key or key combination: 编辑按键或者组合按键
Press and reslese key(s):按住并释放按键
Hold down for_______seconds:按住_____秒
Press key(s):按住按键
Relese key(s):释放按键
Toggle key(s):切换按键
All key presses in this command这命令中全部按键
All key presses in this profile这配置文件中全部按键
Variable keypress (advanced):按键变量(高级)
Add a mouse action: 增加一个鼠标行为
Move: 移动
Click/scorll: 点击/滚轴
Move to coordinates: 移动到坐标
Move to text/token-based coordinates 移动到文本/基于令牌的坐标
Move movement relates to: 鼠标移动涉及到
Screen coordinates屏幕坐标
Top-left of screen/window屏幕/window左上
Top-right of screen/window屏幕/window右上
Application window coordinates应用程序窗口坐标
Bottom-right of screen /window屏幕/window右下
Bottom-left of screen/window屏幕/window左下
Move to specific location移动到特定位置
Save current location保存当前位置
Recall mouse cursor to saved location召回鼠标光标保存位置
Adjust the mouse cursor location调整鼠标光标位置
Move left______pixels向左移动________像(点)素
Move right_____pixels向右移动________像(点)素
Move up______pixels向上移动________像(点)素
Move down______pixels向下移动________像(点)素
Move using relative data (useful for 3d game):使用相关数据移动(用于3D游戏)
Move from cursor position从光标位置移动
Move from last moved position从最后移动位置移动
Animate movement运动动画
Edit a pause: 编辑一个暂停
Pause for_______seconds: 暂停_____秒
Massupdate: 批量更新
All key presses in this command 这命令中全部按键
All key presses in this profile 这配置文件中全部按键